Ya Allah. Please I beg You. I only saw Shaykh Gilles about two or three times, but I am still watching the knowledgable videos that he has sent me, they are still saved on my phone, and I am still gaining more knowledge due to Shaykh Gilles. Even though I don't know much about Shaykh Gilles he has taught me that You know all, You know all about him, for You are the one Who created him, this is what my teacher Shaykh Gilles has taught me. And I am still gaining more knowledge from him everyday. Please Ya Rabb, bless Shaykh Gilles. Bless his children and entire family. Let nothing bad ever happen to him. Give him long life and make him prosper. Please Ya Rabb, I will never ask You for anything again. This is the only thing. Bless that man. You are Able!